Platform construction with rear crane and 2-axle platform trailer
For the company WIEHAG Bau GmbH (House building & commercial and industrial construction) from Altheim, we were recently able to realize a complete train consisting of a 4-axle Scania with plateau structure including a HIAB X-HiPro 358 E-7 rear crane and a 2-axle plateau trailer.
The 2-axle platform trailer completes the Gföllner quality product - the following features speak for it:
- Various load securing (container locking, 5,000 daN lashing rings, Stake pockets ...)
- Sloping side frame with perforation
- Aluminum tool box
- Front wall reinforced on the inside with aluminum checker plate
- Extendable luminaire support
We thank you for the orders and wish you a safe journey at all times!